Point of Interest 18: Dumped Soil Pile
This area is notable for large groups of coppice Jarrahs. These resprout into a ring of trees following logging of a big tree may years ago. A bench is available nearby (about 15m East). A large mound of soil illegally dumped many years ago is visible behind the bench.
Common Wildflowers
Autumn – Sedges such as semaphore sedge (Mesomelaena pseudostygia) and a common sedge with saw-edged leaves (Tetraria octandra), mat rushes such as Lomandra hermaphrodita
Spring – Pansy Orchid, Cowslip Orchid, Climbing Fringe-lily, Cats Paws
Late Spring – Blue Devil (Eryngium pinnatifidum), Purple Flag, Autumn Lily (Tricoryne elatior), Fragrant Waitzia (Waitzia suaveolens)
Focus Topic 37. Rubbish Dumping and Littering
Warwick Bushland is in very good to excellent condition overall, despite its urban surroundings and major historic impacts, especilly frequent fires. Other impacts such as dumping of garden rubbish were common before areas were fenced. A large mound of dumped soil nearby is associated with an invasive bulbous weed with white flowers from South Africa (Hesperantha falcata). These plants have spread into bushland metres from the pile and have been removed several times but keep emerging. Dumped garden waste can also spread plant diseases which are devastating to native plants such as dieback caused by Phytophthora species.
Please respect this area, encourage others to do so and report illegal activities such as dumping. Despite the very high environmental significance of this area, household and garden rubbish are still being dumped in Warwick Bushland. Our friends group hosts Clean up Australia Day events with the help of other community groups, we also have bushcare activities and routinely remove rubbish from other areas, especially food wrappers. Areas near roads are managed by the City of Joondalup.
Rabbits also cause substantial localised disturbance and spread weed seeds as shown below.
Focus Topic 38. Birds
Warwick Conservation Reserve is host to over 60 bird species. Carnaby’s Black-Cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus latirostris) and Red-tailed Black Cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus banksii naso) are often seen in the area. Other interesting bird species include the Western Gerygone (Gerygone fusca), Striated Pardalote (Pardalotus striatus) and Weebill (Smicrornis brevirostris) as well as raptors such as the Australian Hobby (Falco longipennis). A list of local bird species can be downloaded.