Winter Wildflower Guide

Male Sedge Flowers (Tetraria octandra)

Female Sedge Flowers (Tetraria octandra)

Mat Rush (Lomandra nigricans)

Mat Rush Flowering after Fire (Lomandra hermaphrodita)

Styphelia (Leucopogon) propinqua

Kick Bush – Styphelia pallida (Astroloma pallidum)

Pearl Flower (Conostophium pendulum- flowers in autumn, winter)

Common White Grevillea
Grevillea vestita

Matted Triggerplant (Stylidium repens) flowers spring, summer and autumn

Grey Fanflower (Scaevola canescens – flowers all year)

Milkmaids (Burchardia umbellata)

Grass Wattle (Acacia willdenowiana)

Flinders Range Wattle (Acacia iteaphylla – weedy tree)

Triangle-stemmed Wattle (Acacia trigonophylla – weedy shrub or tree)

Prickly Moses (Acacia pulchella)

Narrow-winged Wattle (Acacia stenoptera)

Rigid Wattle (Acacia cochlearis)

Yellow Banjine (Pimelea sulphurea)

Three-flowered Daviesia (Daviesia triflora)

Sharp Daviesia (Daviesia nudiflora)

Yellow Buttercups (Hibbertia hypericoides)

Running Postman (Kennedia prostrata)

Swan River Myrtle (Hypocalymma robustum)

Friends of Warwick Bushland
Thank you to the long commitment and continued work of Mark Brundrett and Karen Clarke to produce the text and images for this website. We couldn’t have done it without you.
Acknowledgment of Country
We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of this land, the Wadjuk (Perth region) people of the Noongar nation. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging.
Supported by City of Joondalup